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He stands motionless and silent, looking neither to the right nor to the left.

He stand up and take a stratch. 他站起来,伸了个懒腰。
He stand up, calmly wiping the earth off the potato and watering it. Then he repairs his bed. 他站起来,平静地为土豆擦去泥土,继续浇水。接下来,修理好自己的床。
He stands and measures the earth; He looks and startles the nations; And the ancient mountains are shattered into dust, And the everlasting hills sink down; His goings are as of old. 6祂站立,量了大地;祂观看,惊散万民;永久的山岭崩裂,长存的冈陵塌陷;祂所行的与古时一样。
He stands at the end of the street. 他站在大街的那头。
He stands confessed as a notorious gambler. 他是个恶名昭彰的赌徒这个事实很明显。
He stands motionless and silent, looking neither to the right nor to the left. 他一动也不动地站着,默不作声,既不右盼,也不左顾。
He stands one metre and eighty. 他身高一米八十。
He stands out in the crowd. 再稍等一会儿。
He stands up and gives a stretch. 他站起来,伸了个懒腰。
He stands up and goes up to the boy. 然后对男孩说:“你去坐我的位子。”
He stands up and stretches out. 他站起来,伸了个懒腰。

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