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One example of an accelerated depreciation method is the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS).

One example is template colors. 最简单的例子就是模板色彩变量。
One example is the case of the American shoemaker Nike, which received criticism because of its inhumane working conditions in developing countries, including Indonesia and China. 以美国鞋商耐克公司为例,因为它在中国和印度尼西亚等发展中国家的工厂里的恶劣工作环境,而备受指责。
One example is the four-oh-one-K plan. Part of the new pension law makes it easier for employers to offer investment advice to employees with four-oh-one-K plans. 明确了捐献计划不用提供保证福利。替代的是雇员(并且经常是他们的雇主)附加钱到一个投资计划中,那是不需要缴税的。当工人们退休了,他们能从计划中收回金钱。
One example is what Americans call concierge services -- domestic help, childcare, gardening and decorating. 美国人所谓的家政服务――做家务,带孩子,修剪花木,居家装饰――即为一例。
One example of a motor output system is a central pattern generator (CPG) . 运动输出系统的一个例子是中枢模式发生器。
One example of an accelerated depreciation method is the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS). 加速折旧法优化了资本支出,促进了企业的发展。
One example of organization is chunking. 信息编组的典型例子就是分块记忆。
One example of states could be ‘Locations' which indicate placement within a space. 一个状态的例子是“方位”即空间的位置。
One example of the research implicating NMDA receptors in schizophrenia relates to the way the brain normally processes information. 显示NMDA受体参与了精神分裂的研究当中,有一个例子与大脑处理讯息的方式有关。
One example would be anything containing a diuretic. 比如任何含有利尿剂成分的药。
One example would be the convenience center , among the smallest of centers, whose tenants provide a narrow mix of goods and personal services to a very limited trade area. 譬如那种最小体量的购物中心可以被称之为“便利中心”的:一些承租人以非常有限的经营面积提供一个狭小的商品组合和劳务服务。

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