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By the way ,remember not to be late.

By the very end of the project, you might have improved your ability to quickly regression test the program in the face of late fixes, but at this last-minute point in the schedule, this probably helps you test less inadequately, rather than giving you an 到项目结束时,你可能已经改进了面对今后困难时快速回归测试的能力,但是在进度的最后时刻,它很可能反而使你缺乏足够的测试,而并非让你有机会削减人力开支。
By the very nature of socialization, subjective identity is a precarious entity. 在社会化的过程中,主观认同为不确定的实体。
By the way , what's the time by your watch ? 随便问一下,现在几点了?
By the way , who are you waiting for? I'm waiting for my secretary. 顺便问一下,你在等谁?我在等秘书。
By the way ,if I want to make a new deposit book ,what should I do ? 顺便问一句,如果我想办理一本新的存折,我应该怎么做?
By the way ,remember not to be late. 顺便说一句,记得不要迟到哦。
By the way I am a Houstonian and not Greek. 顺便说一句,我是休斯敦人,而不是希腊人。
By the way how to use color in pixel,choose for example. 这里顺便说一下像素图象中颜色的使用,如图选择1、2。
By the way if you can't get any turkey then chicken will do just as well. 顺便告诉你,如果没有火鸡,也可以用鸡来代替。
By the way of colorful flexible-disks, children can establish vivid and vigorous cartoon characters, English words or mathematic equation. 磁性拼图利用色彩鲜艳的软性磁片,让幼儿拼彻出栩栩如生的卡通人物、英文词汇或数学算式。
By the way of numeriscal counting, fraunhofer diffraction are discussed, which can be aguide to computer analog of aptics experiment and digital image. 摘要用数值计算方法,讨论了夫琅和费衍射特征,对光学实验的计算机模拟及数字成像有指导意义。

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