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Salesman Smith tried to stand in with the housewife to get her custom.

Saleslady Did you know you will save even more because you do not pay taxes on your purchases? 女销售员您知道您还可以省更多钱,因为您买东西不必付税吗?
Saleslady Excellent choices. Let me fill out the papers for customs. Thank you for shopping duty free. 女销售员很棒的选择。让我填一下给海关的单子。谢谢您在免税店购物。
Saleslady Here's my favorite, a purse size perfume of Channel 5 for a mother or sister. 女销售员这一个是我最喜欢的,钱包大小的香奈儿5号香水,适合妈妈或姊妹。
Saleslady It's what I live for. What can I do for you? 女销售员那是我的职责。我可以帮您什么呢?
Saleslady You are lucky; there is an additional ten percent off the price today. 女销售员您很幸运。今天这个价格还有10%的折扣。
Salesman Smith tried to stand in with the housewife to get her custom. 推销员史密斯为了招揽生意企图巴结那个家庭主妇。
Salesman: And to ensure benefits of customers, our store sells the pork at cost price. 售货员:为了保证顾客利益,我们店现在是进价销售。
Salesman: Good morning. May I help you? 早上好。能为您效劳吗?
Salesman: I'd be glad to help. Would you like a packet of our promotional literature? 乐意为您服务。您要一份促销文件吗?
Salesman: It is the promotion price, sir. 售货员:先生,这已经是我们的促销价了。
Salesman: That's it. I will look around. 顾客:好吧,我再到其他地方看看。

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