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A genetic algorithm was proposed for solving the model in discrete-time version.

A generic, feature-rich object persistent framework that is designed for today's competitive RAD environment. 这是个通用、功能丰富的对象持久框架,是为当前竞争激烈的RAD环境设计的。
A genetic algorithm (GA) based on building block recognition was proposed, in which building block candidates were recognized in evolving process to speed up the search so as to avoid the blindness of GA random searching. 摘要提出了一种基于积木块识别的遗传算法,该算法通过对进化过程中的候选积木块进行识别与利用来加速搜索,从而避免遗传算法随机搜索的盲目性。
A genetic algorithm (GA) is developed, including encoding, crossover, and mutation operations, which can smartly use the information such as the permissible switching number, switching time, and current condition of equipment. 在计算过程中,可巧妙计入开关动作次数限制,动作时段及开关当前状态等信息。
A genetic algorithm assisted beam tracking and forming is applied to solve the problem of tracking a continuous moving signal while suppressing a strong fixed interference. 摘要介绍了遗传算法在波束追踪和成型中的应用,着重探讨了该方法在解决追踪连续信号的同时抑制固定强干扰的问题。
A genetic algorithm is used to solve this stochastic programming model. 采用遗传算法对该随机规划模型进行求解。
A genetic algorithm was proposed for solving the model in discrete-time version. 本文应用遗传算法对所提出的模型进行了求解,提高了模型的适用性。
A genetic algorithm with a dual fitness function was proposed. 摘要提出一个具有对偶适应度函数的遗传算法。
A genetic linkage map was constructed based on SSR markers. 基于微卫星标记建立了一个遗传连锁图。
A genetic map. 基因图谱
A genetic programming (GP) based approach was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 摘要提出了基于遗传规划的复杂精馏系统的综合方法。
A genetic test which may improve accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer is launched in the UK. 可能改善摄护腺癌的正确诊断的一个基因比对在英国被发射。

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