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Rat,whicd has dingy appearance,slyindividuality,and strong destrying capacity,is high dangerors hackerin human life.invades into home htrough the slot of door,the entrance of downcomer or fheunderground exit.itdestroys goods and transmits mny in fectiors

Rasputin exercised some strong hypnotic power over the Tsar and his wife. 拉斯普廷对沙皇(指尼古拉二世)及皇后施以强大的催眠力。
Raster to use robots work space division, with the serial number identification grid, and the serial number as this robot path planning parameters of the code to shorten the length coding. 采用栅格对机器人工作空间进行划分,用序号标识栅格,并以此序号作为机器人路径规划参数编码,缩短了编码长度。
Rastrelli was forced into early retirement when Catherine the Great—no admirer of the Baroque style—came to power. 但当沙皇叶卡特琳娜二世即位之后,他不得不提前结束了他的设计生涯——沙皇并不欣赏巴洛克风格。
Rastus leads an orderly life. 拉斯特斯生活很有规律。
Rat!’ he found breath to whisper, shaking. ‘Are you afraid? “河鼠,”好不产易才缓过气来的鼹鼠,战战兢兢地低声说。“你害怕吗?”
Rat,whicd has dingy appearance,slyindividuality,and strong destrying capacity,is high dangerors hackerin human life.invades into home htrough the slot of door,the entrance of downcomer or fheunderground exit.itdestroys goods and transmits mny in fectiors 通过外表,狡猾的个性,极具破坏性的他是人类现实生活中的高危“黑客”,它通过门缝、下水通或地下出口潜入,破坏您的物品、传播各种疾病(如鼠疫、出血热、钩端螺旋体)危害您的健康。
Ratatouille is Pixar's tale of a rodent chef. 《蔬菜杂烩》,皮克斯创作的关于一个鼠类厨师的故事。
Ratatouille is a provencal dish of stewed vegetable. 普罗旺斯杂烩是一道蔬菜经煮制再加上普罗旺斯浓汁烧的菜。
Ratchet - New form. Emergency vehicle. Medical officer/Science officer. Repairs Transformers injured in battle. 救护车:新形态。抢险车。医疗师兼科学家。负责维修战斗中负伤的变形金刚。
Ratchett: But you can call us Autobots, for short. 棘轮:不过你们可以简称我们为“汽车人”。
Ratchett: [scaning Sam's body] The Pheromone levels in the male indicates he wants to mate with the other. 救护车(扫描萨姆的身体):他体内的荷尔蒙分泌量显示他想要个女人。

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