In the old days, when Valentino cruised around the Med he was relaxing and finding sea shells whose inner pink shade might inspire an entire season.
过去,当瓦伦蒂诺巡游地中海时,他会非常放松,还会寻找那些里面带有粉色阴影的贝壳,这可能激发他关于一整季服装的灵感。 |
In the old society , women were looked down upon.
在旧社会,妇女们是受歧视的。 |
In the old society such people were looked down upon by everybody.
在旧社会里这种人是受人岐视的。 |
In the old society, he was compelled to fend for himself at the age of14.
在旧社会,他十四岁时就被迫自己独立谋生。 |
In the old society, who would look up to us?
在旧社会谁还会看得起我们? |
In the old society, Pinju players seldom made enough to live on. And as most were saddled with big families their life was hard.
腊月二十三封箱,把“祖师爷”请到前台去,后台冷冷清清,演员们就更苦了,要等到年初一开戏了,才能挣到钱。 |
In the old time, when a general goes out to a battle, he is always followed by someone carrying a banner with the general's family name on it.
过去,一个将军带兵打仗,他的身后总有人打着一个旗子,上面写着将军的姓,这就是旗号。 |
In the older rocks below these glacial deposits are detrital uraninite and pyrite, two minerals considered evidence for very low levels of atmospheric oxygen.
这些冰河沉积物下方的较老岩层,是沥青铀矿与黄铁矿碎屑;这两种矿物被认定为大气中氧气极为稀少的证据。 |
In the ongoing case of The Great Stall of China, there seems to be an even greater cultural divide.
易建联事件还在发展之中,这是一种拖延策略,但其中似乎有一种更大的文化差异。 |
In the ongoing full dose trial, excellent safety data has been demonstrated in all volunteers who have completed the vaccine regimen.
在进一步的全剂量药物实验中,在所有接受完整过程的志愿者身上的数据都显示疫苗具有极好的安全性。 |
In the open classrooms, students are allowed to find things actively instead of passively.
在开放教室里,学生们被允许自己发现事物,而不是被动地去学习它们. |