The euro later fell back slightly after comments about inflation from Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, encouraged markets to expect another rise in American interest rates this month.
在美联储主席伯南克发表兑通胀的评论后,市场预期美国本月将再次升息,这导致欧元稍许下跌。 |
The euro should constitute an important reserve currency and play a key role in portfolios of financial assets on an international scale.
欧元应该成为重要的储备币种,并在国际金融资产组合中起关键作用。 |
The euro tranche, with a coupon of 4.25 per cent, was priced to yield 40 basis points over the swap rate a measure of the interest charged by banks when lending to each other.
此次欧元债券的票面利率为4.25%,其定价较掉期利率贴水40个基点,所谓掉期利率指的是银行间相互借贷时的利率指标。 |
The euro will be available in France from Jan. 1, 2002.
法国将于二00二年一月一日开始启用欧元。 |
The euro zone, by contrast, has plenty of stagnation, but—despite the ECB's nervousness—there is little sign that its inflation is getting out of control .
但是欧元区也正好相反,尽管ECB极度担心,但是在极度疲软的情况下,并没有迹象表明通胀正在失去控制。 |
The eurodollar market developed during the early 1950s as a result of the Cold War.
欧洲美元市场兴起于50年代初期,是冷战的结果(或:50年代初期,由于冷战的结果,欧洲美元市场逐渐发展起来)。 |
The eurozone import growth pointed to a strengthening in domestic demand in the 12-country region, suggesting the economic recovery had become more broad-based.
欧元区进口额的增长表明,在这个由12个国家组成的单一货币区内,内需正不断走强,表明欧元区的经济复苏已更加全面。 |
The eurozone member countries have, as a result, been suffering from the double whammyof weak domestic demand and falling global competitiveness.
结果是,欧元区成员国受到疲软的国内需求和全球竞争力下降的“双重打击”。 |
The eutrophication of Taihu lake is a representative ecological problem, so it can be controlled by some ecological control. countermeasures, such as resuming aquicolous vegetation, restricting the area of breed aquatics in the Taihu lake, biologically ma
太湖富营养化是典型的生态问题,因此可通过恢复湖泊水生植被,限制湖泊网围养殖面积,实施生物操纵控藻,建设环湖生态农业区,恢复湖滨带生态等生态防治对策加以控制。 |
The eval() function evaluates a string and executes it as if it was script code.
方法对赋予的值进行判断,并能执行其中的脚本代码。 |
The eval() function evaluates a string as PHP code.
函数的作用是:返回与PHP代码相对应的字符串。 |