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I read a book in the morning.

I read Capital Theory in a kind of godliness and confess. 我抱着一种虔诚的忏悔来读《资本论》。
I read China Daily every day, because I want to see how English is used in everyday life. 我每天读《中国日报》,因为我想要了解在日常生活中英语是怎样使用的。
I read English without looking up every new word. 读英文时,不会每逢生字便查字典.
I read German as well as French . 我不仅读法语,而且读德语。
I read Lives of the Poets and learned about the lives of many English poets. 我读了《诗人传》,从中了解了许多英国诗人的生活。
I read a book in the morning. 早上我读了一本书。
I read a lot of books: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown is a bit trashy but very entertaining. 我读了很多书﹕丹.朗的《天使与魔鬼》有点通俗但可读性很高。
I read a lot of self-help books to get me through the tough time. 我阅读许多自助的书来帮助我度过难关.
I read a magazine in bed. 我躺在床上看杂志。
I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three. 我读了我的祖母写在一九二三年的一张字条。
I read a technical volume. 我读一本专门书籍。

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