Whether it is the Bible's Book of Revelationsor the prophecies of Nostradamus.
它是否就是圣经中的启示录、或诺查丹玛斯的预言。 |
Whether it is the United States in the 1950s or current-day Iran, the idea that women are protectedby being barred from doing things men take for granted, is noxious.
无论是二十世纪五十年代的美国还是当今的伊朗,女人不能从事男人所从事的事务,这一观念被认为是有害的。 |
Whether it is the theory of Realm generation that promotes the fusion of feeling and nature or the theory of Realm experiencing that believes in being quiet and unselfish or the theory of Self-forgetting, all have precious ecological revelations and up-to
情景妙合的境界生成论、虚静无欲的境界体验论和“无我之境”论,对于今人保护自然环境、维护生态秩序,以求人类的可持续发展,显现出可贵的生态启示和现代价值。 |
Whether it is wafting9 lavender or citrus scents to calm drivers and keep them awake, a peppermint odor could improve concentration10, vibrating seat belts to get them to slow down, or combine11 warning signals to capture12 drivers' attention to seat belt
无论是飘送薰衣草或柑橘的香味,让驾驶员心平气和、保持清醒;以薄荷的气味增进专注力、震动安全带使驾驶员减速,或是结合警讯提醒驾驶员系上安全带,未来的智慧车将有助于减少道路交通事故。 |
Whether it passes its new manners to its own offspring remains to be seen.
秃鹫是否会将这种新的行为习惯传给其下一代还有待观察研究。 |
Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me.
下不下雨对我来说都一样。 |
Whether it succeeds or fails, US financial markets would take a beating and the real economy, jobs included, would suffer damage.
此举无论成败,都将冲击美国金融市场,包括就业在内的实体经济将因此受损。 |
Whether it taks one hour or one day, I will solve this problem.
不管花一个小时还是一天,我一定要把这道题解决出来。 |
Whether it was a troop of baboons that tried to drag both mother and daughter out of their den, or the lurking hyenas, death was never far away.
不管是来自一群狒狒想要从他们的巢穴中拖出母女,还是遭到鬣狗的埋伏等,死亡从不是一件太远的事。 |
Whether it was because she couldn't snag a waitressing job in New York, or has been put off shopping at Champs-Elysees by snooty salesmen, it doesn't matter.
无论是因为她不能在纽约抢得一份服务生的工作﹐或因为势利推销员而排斥在香榭丽舍购物﹐全都无关紧要。 |
Whether it was that I had so often walked this street in bitterness and despair or whether it was the remembrance of a phrase which she had dropped one night as we stood at the Place Lucien Herr I do not know.
我不知道这是否是因为我常常闷闷不乐地、绝望地在这条街上行走,还是因为我想起了一天夜里我们站在吕西安一埃广场时她说过的一句话。 |