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The Merarite clans: Mahli and Mushi. These were the Levite clans, according to their families.

The Meiji Restoration, theTreaty of Nanking (and assimilation of Hong Kong by Britain)...others? 明治维新,石头城条约(和香港由英国接收收)...其他人?
The Mekong, is a river blessed with breathtaking natural beauty. 澜沧江-湄公河,风光优美、景色秀丽。
The Member fully understands and agrees that the use of the Service is at the Subscriber‘s own risk. 1会员完全理解并同意自行承担使用网络服务的风险。
The Member/Academician Dispute is also a crucial point of cultural cognition tolerance caused by the update educational reform in colleges and universities, which is worth reflecting in the whole Chinese educational circles. “院士”风波也是因教育改革引起的教育自身的文化认知容忍度问题,值得中国教育界反思。
The Meningitis Foundation of America (MFA) helps support sufferers of spinal meningitis and their families. 美国脑膜炎基金会:协助支持此疾病之患者与家庭。
The Merarite clans: Mahli and Mushi. These were the Levite clans, according to their families. 20米拉利的儿子,按着家室,是抹利,母示。这些按着宗族是利未人的家室。
The Merchandise Manufacturers will incur all costs for Code audits and any follow-up audit thereafter. 产品制造商应承担所有的审核或跟进审核的费用.
The Merger. After winning a combined 269 races, Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft and Benz &Cie. co-ordinate their production activities and two years later merged into present day Mercedes Benz. 在联合269赛车比赛获胜后,克莱斯勒和奔驰合作,两年后成为今天的奔驰公司.
The Merseyside club have been contacted by a third party acting for Madrid and Owen, investigating the possibility of a move. 这个默西赛德的俱乐部被与皇马和欧文联系起来,调查转会的可行性.
The Meso-and Neoproterozoic section of Jixian in Tianjin, China is highly worthy of integrated re-search, in which the Yangzhuang Formation takes the role of linking the old and new strata. 摘要天津蓟县中、新元古界剖面具有极高的综合研究价值,而杨庄组在该剖面中居于承上启下的位置。
The Mesoamerican dragons are feathered serpent deity responsible for giving knowledge to mankind, and sometimes also a symbol of death and resurrection. 中美洲龙是一种带有翅膀的巨蛇形神灵,它负责将知识传递给人类,有时它也是死亡与复活的象征。

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