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The day always like this died in darkness indarkness the rebirth.

The day after the misinformed spokesman made the announcements he had to take them all back. 发言人误报消息的次日,他必须撤回所有的消息。
The day after the wedding, the new wife dressed up in embroidered finery and bedecked herself with glittering jewelry, but to her surprise her husband became sullen and gave her the cold shoulder. 新婚第二天,新娘子一身锦衣绣服、珠光宝气地打扮停当,却发觉新郎板著脸不理她。
The day after tomorrow I will send invitation to all my friends to spend the whole week watching the soccer matches on television. 后天我将邀请我所有的朋友来我家,看整个星期的电视转播的足球比赛。
The day after tomorrow, toward evening, go to the place where you hid when this trouble began, and wait by the stone Ezel. 19你等三日、就要速速下去、到你从前遇事所藏的地方、在以色磐石那里等候。
The day after, he apologized. 次日, 他道歉了.
The day always like this died in darkness indarkness the rebirth. 日子总是这样在黑暗中死去又在黑暗中重生。
The day before everyone decided whether he or she needed a front-bag, drinking bottle, mileage device or a GPS. 在此之前,参加的夥伴可视个人需要申请车前袋、水壶、码表以及卫星导航器等。
The day before her accident ,she had a premonition of danger. 在她发生事故的前一天,她有一种危险的预感。
The day before her accident, she had a premonition of danger. 在发生事故的前一天,她有一种会发生危险的预感。
The day before one of my history hour exams, I still hadn't gotten around to reading the first book on the list, an endemic Harvard disease. 考历史的前一天,我连书单上第一本要念的书都还没看,那是哈佛学生的通病。
The day before the Senate vote, Mr Prodi sealed a deal with the majority of the doubters in his camp by promising to use a meeting on Afghanistan in Rome, due by May, to prepare a future peace conference (to which some on the left would like to invite the 在上议院投票前一天,普罗迪先生与他阵营中大部分持怀疑态度的人达成了协议,他保证在五月前在罗马召开有关阿富汗问题的会议,以为将来的和平会议做准备(在这个和平会议上一些右翼想要邀请塔利班人员)。

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