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A reversion to a former type or ancestral characteristic.

A reverb unit simulates the sound of different acoustical areas. 混响单元是模拟不同声学空间中的声音。
A reverend gentleman is here to see you, sir! 这里有位教士要见你,先生。
A reversal could knock out power grids, hurt astronauts and satellites, widen atmospheric ozone holes, send polar auroras flashing to the equator and confuse birds, fish and migratory animals that rely on the steadiness of the magnetic field as a navigati 逆转会破坏能量网格,损害宇航员和卫星,加大臭氧层空洞,发送极光到赤道而搞乱鸟类,鱼和迁徙动物,它们依靠磁场的稳定性作为导航帮助。
A reversal, as in policy; an about-face. 向后转转向反面,如在政策上;大转变
A reverse takeover is a financial transaction that turns a private company into a publicly held company without going the traditional route of filing a prospectus and undertaking an initial public offering (IPO). 借壳上市是指一家非上市公司(买壳公司)通过收购一些业绩较差、筹资能力弱化的上市公司(壳公司)来取得上市的地位,然后通过“反向收购”的方式注入自己有关业务及资产,实现间接上市的目的。
A reversion to a former type or ancestral characteristic. 返祖恢复到从前的类型或祖先的特征
A review by the agency led the Centers for Disease Control to increase the number of quarantine stations and improve the training and response of public health investigators. 在执行部门的严格监督下,疾病控制中心增加了隔离站的数量,加强了对公共健康调查员的训练并增强了他们的应对能力.
A review is given on the electrodepositing mechanism of copper from sulfate bath and on the microstructure of the copper coating, the effect of additives on the electroplating process, as well as the research progress concerning copper electrodepositing. 摘要铜的性质决定了铜在工业应用中的重要性,特别是目前在微电子工业中的决定性作用,使铜的电沉积过程成为研究热点。
A review is given to outline the research on the microbiologically induced corrosion of the ferrous metallic materials including iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel, nonferrous metallic materials such as aluminum, copper, nickel, titanium, and their a 摘要综述了国内外近几十年来对铁、碳钢、不锈钢等一般金属材料,铭、铜、镍、钛及其合金等有色金属材料和部分工业非金属材料的微生物腐蚀的研究概况。
A review is presented on the recent progress and the prospect of the determination of microamounts of iodine in table salt by different electrochemical methods, such as ion selective electrode, electrometric titration, polarography, stripping voltammetry, 摘要从离子选择电极法、电化学滴定法、极谱法、溶出伏安法、电位溶出法、吸附溶出伏安法、挥气电流法、光谱电化学法和电泳法出发,评述了食盐中碘含量测定的电化学分析法研究现状及发展方向。
A review of Japan's nationality policy towards Koreans in Northeast China before the September 18th Incident can help us to know that by the establishment of the puppet Manchukuo, Japan neither implements its Japanese Nationality Lawin Korea, nor allows K 纵观“九?一八”事变前日本对东北朝鲜人的国籍政策,可以得知,直到伪满洲国成立为止,日本都没有在朝鲜真正实施“日本国籍法”,也没有允许朝鲜人归化。

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