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It sounds like the sort of constitutional fine-tuning to be expected in a young democracy.

It sounds like no sweet-and-sour chicken for dinner. 它听起来好像晚餐没有糖醋鸡可吃。
It sounds like our plan is perfect. 听起来我们的计划好像天衣无缝.
It sounds like that our plan flawless. 听起来我们的计划好像天衣无缝.
It sounds like that our plan is flawless. 听起来我们的计划好像天衣无缝.
It sounds like the make out stage comes rather quickly for you. So these boys are likely to think that's what you're looking for and not a longer relationship. 从你的信看出,你跟男孩子关系发展得真是十分快,正因为这样,这些男孩子会误认为你只是想逢场作戏而不是想真正建立持久的关系。
It sounds like the sort of constitutional fine-tuning to be expected in a young democracy. 这听起来似乎是一个幼稚的民主政治中的体制的微调。
It sounds like we've found some common ground. 听上去我们找到了一些共同点。
It sounds like you enjoyed it. 听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。
It sounds like you prefer old movies in general. 听起来你一般更喜欢老电影。
It sounds like you're coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature. 听起来好象你感染到流行感冒了,让我量量你的体温。
It sounds more a lyric than a song. 它与其说是歌词,不如说是一首抒情诗。

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