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A bee has stung my hand and it is swelling up.

A beautiful, expensively dressed lady complained to her psychiatrist1) that she felt that her whole life was empty; it had no meaning. 一位相貌美丽,衣着华贵的女士向她的精神医师抱怨自己的人生空空如也,毫无意义。
A beauty is a woman you notice; a charmer is one who notice you. 美人是你注意的女人,魅惑者则是注意你的女人。
A bed beginning makes a bed ending. 不善始者不善终.
A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface. 流沙一种由松散的沙子和水混合成的沙层,形成一堆松软、移动的物质,在压力下很容易塌陷,并可吞没置留在沙面上的任何物质
A bee flew in my car and attacked me and I had to pull over. 一只蜜蜂飞进了我的汽车并袭击了我,我不得不将车停在路边来对付它。
A bee has stung my hand and it is swelling up. 一只蜜蜂叮了我的手,手肿了起来。
A bee stung him on the leg. 蜜蜂在他腿上螫人。
A beefy wrestler. 粗壮的摔跤手
A beet soup served hot or cold, usually with sour cream. 甜菜汤热食或冷食的甜菜汤,通常添加酸奶油
A beetle invasion in the United States has killed at least 20 million ash trees. 外来甲虫入侵美国已使2千万颗白腊树致死。
A beetle invasion in the United States has killed at least 20 million ash trees.The invasion of the Emerald ash borer was first discovered near the tribe Michigen in 2002.Experts believe the small green insects arrived in the 1990s in shipments of goods f 在美国甲虫的入侵已经杀死了至少2千万的灰树.这种翡绿色的灰虫的入侵在2002年密西根的部落里发现的.专家们相信这种小的虫是来自90年代从中国来的货船中.

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