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Arnold was an 8-month-old pot belly who taught me so much about love, devotion and companionship.

Arnold can be a difficult person to deal with so I thought I had better put you wise about his strange ideas before you go to see him. 阿诺德可能是一个很难打交道的人,因此我想最好在你去见他以前使你明了他的怪念头。
Arnold proposed to Alice the other day. 不久前阿诺德向艾丽斯求婚。
Arnold ran so well in the heats that it's a moral certainty he'll win the final race. 阿诺德在预赛中跑得太好了,因此完全有把握赢得决定的胜利。
Arnold said he does not believe any other teachers were involved. 阿诺德说,他相信别的教师应该不会卷入此案。
Arnold said investigators learned about Tootle's activities from Braxton. 阿诺德说,调查员从布拉克斯顿那里了解了屠特的一些行为。
Arnold was an 8-month-old pot belly who taught me so much about love, devotion and companionship. 阿诺德是一只八个月大的宠物猪,是他令我更懂得爱,懂得投入和维系情谊。
Arnold, Jennifer &Thomas Wasow 2000. Heaviness vs. newness: the effects of structural complexity and discourse status on constituent ordering. Language 76(1). 曹志耘2000.东南方言里动词的后置成分。将刊于《东方语言与文化》第一辑,上海:东方出版社。
Arnold, in particular, wrote with a ponderous gravity—the burdens of high office clearly weighed heavily upon his shoulders. 尤其是阿诺德,其诗作风格凝重严肃,高职之负担显然重压其肩。
Arnold: Are you sure you are financially ready? 你确信自己付得起钱?
Arnold: Guess everybody has a very deep impression on her. 我猜大家对她都有很深的印象吧。
Arnold: Unfortunately, I have to work on another project with her. 不幸的是,我不得不和她合作另外一个项目。

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