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One of the most efficient measures about reducing the ratio of producing the traffic accidence is that educate people obey to all traffic rule.

One of the most controversial issues of child discipline is ①corporal punishment. 而在管教孩子上,最具争议的问题之一就是体罚。
One of the most detailed descriptions of the Atlantean use of a mysterious instrument called the Great Crystal was given by Edgar Cayce, who mentioned it many times. 埃德加凯西多次提到:亚特兰提斯使用神秘工具最详细的描述之一就是称为巨大的水晶的东西。
One of the most distinctly American institutions is the game of baseball. 棒球运动是最明显的美国习俗之一。
One of the most economically advanced and peaceful nations in Africa, Botswana is also home to some of the most spectacular wildlife preserves in the world. 波札那是非洲经济最发达且和平的国家之一,也是壮丽万千的世界野生动物保育区。
One of the most effective ways to make use of the library and achieve its social benefits is to redevelop its readership. 摘要强化对读者群的组织化管理是提高图书馆利用率,实现图书馆社会效益最大化的有效途径之一。
One of the most efficient measures about reducing the ratio of producing the traffic accidence is that educate people obey to all traffic rule. 将发生车祸的机率降到最低的最有效措施之一就是教育人们要遵守一切交通规则.
One of the most exciting aspects about being on Earth right now is that there is a reordering or a retooling taking place in your DNA. 最激动人心的就是目前发生在地球上有一个重新调整你们的DNA。
One of the most exotic objects known to modern astronomers, the pulsar is a neutron star, the spinning remnant of the collapsed stellar core. 其中最为现代天文学家了解的是:脉冲星是一颗中子星,它是一颗高速自旋的塌缩恒星核爆炸之后的残留物。
One of the most extreme cases of forced labor comes from Myanmar (Burma), where the military can arbitrarily requisition the labor of entire villages. 强制劳动最极端的案例之一来自缅甸,当地的军队专横的徵用整村的人做为劳工。
One of the most eye opening results was that increasing application of fertilizers correlated well with decreasing levels of soil loss on these sites. 最令人振奋的结果之一是,增加肥料用量与这些地点土壤损失量的降低呈良好相关。
One of the most famous English poems about life on the ocean tells the story of an adventurous sea journey. 英国很有名的一首诗歌讲述了这则海上冒险的传奇故事。

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