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We must not be too slow to adapt to the social changes.

We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. 我们不能容许我们富有创造性的抗议沦为暴力行动。
We must not always judge of the generality of the opinion by the noise of the acclamation. 我们永远不能根据掌声响亮的程度来判断民意。
We must not be complacent about our achievements. 我们决不能满足于自己的成绩。
We must not be confused by the enemies of truth. 我们不应该被真理的敌人搅乱步伐。
We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred. 当我们听到谋杀、杀戮、战争和仇恨的时候我们不应该感到奇怪。
We must not be too slow to adapt to the social changes. 我们对于社会变化不能适应得太慢。
We must not condemn her on pure supposition. 我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。
We must not depreciate the work she has done. 我们不应该轻视她所做的工作。
We must not fall for such nonsense. 我们决不能听信这种胡说八道。
We must not fall in their game, that is to play at 100 MPH. 我们决不能跟着他们的节奏打,那可是时速100的节奏。
We must not forget about the grass roots. 我们绝不能忘记民众.

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