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The information is collected by the Library of the Luminary Buddhist Institute. Included are theses written in Chinese.

The information industry hel boost the global economy. 信息业推进全球经济发展。
The information industry helps boost the global economy. 信息业推进全球经济发展。
The information industry is an infant industry in our country. 信息产业在我国是新兴产业。
The information infrastructure has the potential to link citizens to each other and to the world, and to foster social cohesion. 信息基础设施可以清楚了解市民的需求和企业需要。
The information integration theory in conjunction with experimental design is employed to analyze college students' adjusting process between risk and benefit perceptions as well as the behavioral decision when college students are influenced by new infor 本研究以大学生为研究对象,运用实验设计与资讯整合理论探讨消费者的行动电话产品的初始知觉,于分别导入风险与利益知觉,以及面对新外在资讯影响后,经由知觉调整所产生的行为决策。
The information is collected by the Library of the Luminary Buddhist Institute. Included are theses written in Chinese. 香光尼众佛学院图书馆整理,目前列出条目已有十页,截至2003年,本网页并不包括香港的大学系统中以英语写的毕业论文。
The information is culled from various reference books. 这份资料是从各种参考书中摘出的。
The information is given without obligation and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his or her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his or her own risk. 德盛安联对所提供的资料无需负上任何责任而任何人仕依据上述资料而作出投资或转换投资组合均需自负风险。
The information is not intended to give any implication or legal guarantee as to the nature and specific application of products. 本资料既未暗示,也未从法律上保证产品的某种性质以及保证产品适合于某种特定的用途。
The information is written, verbal, graphical, and numerical --- so the team can meet its requirements. 这些信息包括书面、口头、图形和数字---以便整个团队达到它的工作要求。
The information may be only roughly balanced. 信息可能只是大概公正。

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