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Once more, we see ugly, juvenile politics rearing its ugly head.

Once more my men lay waste to your monuments. 我的人又一次损毁了你的纪念碑。
Once more, after the information through the transmission system transmission, needs to carry on the conformity and processing to the information. 再次,当信息通过传输系统的传输后,就需要对信息进行整合和处理。
Once more, her allies will give rise to the thought of life anew. 再一次,她的同盟会重新给于生命的想法。
Once more, the symbolic universe establishes a hierarchy, from the “most real” to the most fugitive self-apprehensions of identity. 更甚者,象徵性共同体建立了层级—从“真理”到变动的个人自我认同。
Once more, the thornbush thought of the loving kindness shown by the man with the gentile eyes – the man they called Jesus. 荆棘树再一次想到了那位有温柔眼神的人(就是被人称作耶稣的那位)身上所流露出的慈爱。
Once more, we see ugly, juvenile politics rearing its ugly head. 再一次,我们看到了丑陋、不成熟的决策机制露出了它丑恶的面孔。
Once more; again. 再一次;重新
Once my power is secure, I will destroy all those pesky time-travel devices. 一旦我的权力巩固,我会摧毁所有令人厌恶的时光旅行机器.
Once negotiations are over the player will also get a feel for how the relationship has been affected from the farewell message received. 一旦谈判结束,玩家可以在再见消息中得知国际关系的变动。
Once old Joe had inured himself to the solitary life of a widower, he began to improve in health and spirit. 一旦老乔适应了鳏夫的孤独生活,他的身体和精神状况便开始好转了。
Once on duty, he became paralyzed. 在一次执行任务时,他成为全身瘫痪。

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