There is contraction as well as consolidation in music and skill, and there is affiliation and transformation in them too.
它们之间既有矛盾性,也有统一性;既有从属关系,也存在相互转化。 |
There is controversy about a proposal to build a nuclear power station.
对于建议中的建设核电站一事存有争议。 |
There is controversy concerning its use with a normal contralateral kidney.
至于对侧仍是正常肾脏的病人而言,是否实施此项手术,当前仍有争议。 |
There is convenient impeller adjusting device. The clearance between housing and end of powder concentrator's blade also effects fineness. This patent technology is convenient to adjust the clearance.
方便快捷的叶轮调整装置。选粉机叶片端部与壳体的间隙大小也影响成品细度,本项专利技术使得调整该间隙大小方便快捷。 |
There is currently a vaccine available for FIV, but you and your veterinarian should decide together whether or not to vaccinate your cats.
感染FIV的猫咪是可以预防注射的.但是你需要跟你的兽医一起讨论需不需要预防注射. |
There is currently no cure for OA.
目前骨性关节炎无法治愈。 |
There is currently no treatment for prion diseases, which include CJD in humans and boine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle.
目前还没有普粒子疾病的治疗办法,包括人类的克雅氏病(CJD)和牛脑海绵状病(疯牛病,BSE)。 |
There is currently no way for users to mail-subscribe to messages. Implement this screen.
目前用户没办法用邮件订阅消息。实现该屏幕。 |
There is denial and resentment and a desire to depict us as football's sudden upstarts.
人们否决并怨恨我们,还把我们描绘成足球界的暴发户。 |
There is difference also between a wife and a virgin.
林前7:34妇人和处女也有分别。 |
There is discrimination in a wide spectrum of fields of employment.
很多行业聘请雇员时都有歧视情况。 |