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These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson.

These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither1 , in a wayward2 course, over a deep ocean of anguish3, reaching to the very verge of despair. 这些激情犹如狂风,把我在伸展到绝望边缘的深深的苦海上东抛西掷,使我的生活没有定向。
These passions,like great winds,have blown me hither and thither,in a wayward course,over a deep ocean of anguish,reaching to the very verge of despair. 这激情,犹如飓风,卷着我,忽此忽彼,漫无目的,越过深深的苦海,到达绝望的最边缘.
These passive joints have more translational and rotational degree of freedom in most cases. 这些被动的关节在大多数情况下都具有更多滑移自由度和转动自由度。
These pathogenic characteristics that could cause corm tissue to bring browning reaction, lignose of cell wall to increase, and faecula granule to decrease, were also observed by using tissue sectioning. 用组织切片法观察发现病菌能使香蕉苗球茎组织产生褐变,引起细胞壁木质素增加及淀粉颗粒减少。
These pathways carry energy back and forth between the two sides of the brain, transmitting electrical impulses back and forth which help you to balance your spiritual being within a physical body. 这些小路在两边的脑叶之间来回地携带能量,来回地传输电的脉冲来帮助你平衡在一个物质的身体里面的你的精神存有。
These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson. 这些病人由威尔逊医生治疗.
These patients experienced visual compromise and they settled with surgical decompression by lateral canthotomy and cantholysis. 而越小的骨折缺损越有机会造成空气积聚。
These patients suffered from various complications, and their respiratory and circulatory systems have been damaged in defferent degrees. 呼吸及循环方面发生的一系列病理生理变化。
These patients underwent a standard eight-incision radial keratotomy procedure. 我们所采取的手术为标准八刀切开方式。
These patients with DPKD can also have berry aneurysms in the cerebral arteries. DPKD患者还可发生脑动脉的小动脉瘤。
These patients would be willing to receive oral corticosteroids. 这些病人愿意接受皮质激素治疗。

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