But now the good news!
最新好消息! |
But now the good news! If you can blurt out just ten sentences with correct grammar, you can beat George W. Bush!
最新好消息只要你能用正确的语法讲出10句英语,你就可以胜过乔治·布什! |
But now the men behind the UFOs have revealed that they are radio-controlled models and that night flights are not just to shock people but also help sell the craft.
但目前,导演这场UFO谜团的幕后人物终于现身,他们是阿里索·别霍镇的心脏科医生格伦·墨菲和工程师史蒂夫·津加利。 |
But now the present developing trend requires Chinese scholars to reposition and reconsider the issue.
这种认识遇到了现实的挑战,必须根据不断发展的实践对原始积累进行新的定位。 |
But now the relentless technology-driven news cycle — in which politicians find themselves on call for talk shows and perennially downloadable — is increasing the scrutiny of public officials.
如今,在无情的科技驱动下的新闻周期,使政治人物发现,他们随时得上谈话性节目,而且永远可以下载,已经增加民众对政府官员的监督。 |
But now the technology finally seems to be making headway.
但如今技术似乎正在这方面不断取得进展。 |
But now the warring parties have the most advanced weapons and equipment.
但现在交战双方都拥有最先进的武器装备。 |
But now there is a sign that organics have risen to a new level of economic importance.
可是现在有了一个迹象表明有机食品已经上升到了其经济价值的新的高度。 |
But now there is an increasingly acrimonious row over how much the games will cost and who will end up paying for the overrun.
现在,关于举办这次会议到底要花多少钱,以及谁将为超出预算的部分买单的争论日趋激烈。 |
But now there is no water running in the stream. Sadness and chaos gather and cover the sky in the shape of dark clouds.
然而现在,溪流早已枯竭。蜂拥而至的悲伤和混乱化作黑云,遮天蔽日。 |
But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.
但是现在,她的目光有些阴郁,呆呆地凝望着远处白云间的绺绺蓝天。 |