The two minority parties sign an electoral pact not to oppose each other in certain constituency.
两个多数党签订了一个在某些选区互不反对的选举公约。 |
The two modes of hi-tech industry development, the endogenesis and expansion, have their differences in the aspects of locational factors, location choice, space scale, and functional layout.
摘要高技术产业内生与扩散是两种不同的发展模式,它们在区位因子、区位选择、空间规模、功能布局等方面存在着差异,但也同样追求创新氛围的累积性发展。 |
The two modifications are: additional air-flow is put on the wider beam; one dome is put on or beneath the platform individually.
主要措施:在宽梁上增加额外送风;在平台上下方各加一导流罩装置。 |
The two modules docked in outer space.
两个飞行舱在外层空间对接。 |
The two most commonly used surgical techniques to setback a prognathic mandible include the bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and the vertical ramus osteotomy.
二种最普遍使用正颚手术方法来改善下颚骨前突症的方法是双侧矢向面骨切开术及垂直下颚枝骨切开术。 |
The two most dramatic amendments have little chance of enactment.
另外两项修正案最惹人注目但不太可能通过。 |
The two most important words: Thank you.
最要的两个字:谢谢。 |
The two most likely beneficiaries of Mr McCain's troubles will be Rudy Giuliani, the front-runner, and Fred Thompson, an old friend of Mr McCain's who is expected to declare his candidacy any day now.
麦肯恩先生四面楚歌,可能最大的获益者当属共和党领军者鲁迪朱利安尼以及麦肯恩的老友佛瑞德汤普森。 |
The two most popular protocols for data transmission in the network are TCP and UDP.
两个在网路上最受欢迎的资料传输协定是TCP和UDP。 |
The two most reliable studies to inform decision-making are ADOPT (published in the NEJM) and DREAM (published in The Lancet).
两个起决策作用的最可信的研究是ADOPT和DREAM,前者发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》,后者发表在《柳叶刀》上。 |
The two murderers were hanged together.
这两个杀人犯被一起绞死了。 |