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But in Japan, March 3rd is the Girls' Day, May 5th is the Boys' Day, and meantime the Japanese Children's Day.

But in France, Europe's most fervent defender of agricultural handouts and a country where wine is seen as a part of national identity, the notion of ripping up vines, abandoning traditional holdings, and producing “industrial” wine is sacrilegious. 但是在法国,欧洲这个捍卫农业补贴最力,将葡萄酒视为国家认同一环的国家,铲除葡萄树、放弃传统土地、生产「工业」酒,是一种大逆不道的想法。
But in Harry's second year (CS3) they use Arthur Weasley's Ford Anglia, and in his fourth year (GF11) they use three Muggle taxis. 但是在哈利的第二年(CS3)他们使用亚瑟·韦斯莱的福特安格里亚车,而在第四年(GF11)他们使用三辆麻瓜出租汽车。
But in Hong Kong Friday, Reuters news agency said rich nations were arguing over protected farm markets. 但是据路透社报道,在周五的香港会议上,发达国家在就保护农产品市场展开辩论。
But in India no less than elsewhere, the inner turmoil that makes people end it all usually has complex causes: social dislocation, family tensions or long-term depression. 但是,跟别的国家一样,造成印度人自杀的内因非常复杂,有的是因为社会角色错位,有的是因为家庭关系紧张,也有的是因为长期处于抑郁状态。
But in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ch inese are prohibited from celebrating their Chinese New Year. 但印尼的华人不能庆祝中国的新年。
But in Japan, March 3rd is the Girls' Day, May 5th is the Boys' Day, and meantime the Japanese Children's Day. 但是在日本,3月3日是女孩节;5月5日是男孩节,同时也是日本的儿童节。
But in July General Guo Boxiong, China's most senior officer, paid the highest-level visit to America by a Chinese serviceman since that incident. 但在7月,中国的最高级别军官——郭伯雄将军以中国军方人员的身份对美国进行了事故之后最高级别的访问。
But in June the battery in a Dell laptop computer caught fire during a conference at a hotel in Osaka, Japan. Pictures of the burning computer spread on the Internet. 但是在6月份在日本大阪的一家饭店里举行的一次会议上,一台戴尔笔记本电脑的电池着火了,然烧着的笔记本电脑的图片被发布在互联网上。
But in Limerick they'd laugh at you. 但是在利默尼里克,他们会笑话你的。
But in London or New York, where people are many and rabbits are few, some other means must be found to gratify primitive impulse. 但在伦敦或纽约,人多兔少,必须找到别的一些方式来满足原始的冲动。
But in Matt's Saloon on Saturday night, real cattlemen could not be found. 不过,星期六晚上在马特酒吧却见不到一个真正的牛仔。

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