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Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought.

Early September, China Telecom's Billing Models with Initiative Intellectual Property passed evaluation for publication. 9月初中国电信具有自主知识产权的《计费模型》通过评审并出版。
Early Sino-Tibetan Art,Heater Karmay,Warmister,1975. 《早期汉藏艺术》,海德·噶尔梅,瓦明斯特,1975年。
Early Sunday, thousands of Christians throughout Iraq went to Easter Mass and some churches were uncommonly full. 周日清晨,伊国各地数千名基督徒参加复活节弥撒,部分教会罕见的座无虚席。
Early Taoist sages, including Chuang-tzu, referred perhaps allegorically to immortal beings with magical powers; some followers interpreted these references literally and devoted themselves to discovering the drug of immortalityand prolonging their lives 早期的道教圣贤,包括庄子,很可能寓意性地提到了具有不可思议力量的永恒的存在;一些追随者就按字面意思解释了发展了这种说法,发现了“长生不老的药物”,通过控制呼吸,节食和类似瑜伽的练习来延长他们的寿命。
Early Thursday, the former captives departed Tehran, bringing to a peaceful end what had been a tense international standoff. 在周四早些时候,早些时候被捕的这些人员会离开德黑兰,让一直紧张的国际对峙以和平方式结束。
Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought. 早期德川幕府稳定期和思潮的趋势。
Early US political leaders were wary of entangling allianceswith other nations. 美国早期的政治领袖惟恐与别的国家结盟,使自己卷入争端。
Early adolescence children want peer acceptance. 12岁孩子想要同伴的认同接纳。
Early advisors, assigned to in-countryduties, wore, besides standard webbing and gears, custom made camouflageCowboy hats, and leather holsters, both brought along from the States and made in-country. 早期驻南越的军事顾问除了穿戴公发的制服及装备外,更特别订造迷彩布牛仔帽,皮制牛仔枪袋。
Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue . 早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器.
Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue. 早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器.

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