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The stabilities of the accumulations are analyzed by means of geological survey, drilling, exploratory adit, geophysical exploration and scientific research test etc. and then the relevant engineering treatments for various of the accumulations on the pro

The squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use. 松鼠,啮齿类动物的代表;举例介绍每一个生词的用法
The squirrels are very tame. 松鼠是非常温驯的。
The squirrels hide a large quantity of nuts in the trees for winter. 松鼠为了过冬在树上储藏了许多坚果。
The srudents of Liuzhou No.1 Foreign Language Experimental Middle School will have an English final exam which includes written &reading course, listening course of 3L, New Concept English and Look Ahead at the end of this term. 期未考试一外校的学生除了参加全市统考的英语之外,还根据我校实际教学情况加考以《3L》、《展望未来》及《新概念英语》为蓝本的英语听力。
The stab it with their steely knives, 它与刚的刀刺伤了,
The stabilities of the accumulations are analyzed by means of geological survey, drilling, exploratory adit, geophysical exploration and scientific research test etc. and then the relevant engineering treatments for various of the accumulations on the pro 在勘察过程中我们采用了地质测绘、钻探、硐探、物探、科研试验等多种勘察方法与手段,在勘察成果基础上对堆积体稳定性进行了分析,并结合对工程的不同影响提出了相应的工程处理措施。
The stability and cutting forces in high speed milling process can be forecasted with the model. 利用该模型,可对铣削过程的特征参数如稳定性、切削力等进行预测。
The stability criterion not only eliminates the differences between excitatory and inhibitory effects on the neural networks, but also can be conveniently checked. 所得到的稳定判据不仅考虑了神经元的激励和抑制对网络的影响,而且易于验证。
The stability in a plastic deformation is a key factor determing success or failure of various kind of deformation process. 摘要塑性变形过程中的稳定性是决定各类变形工序成败的关键。
The stability of arch dam against elastic buckling has always been ignored. 摘要拱坝的抗屈曲稳定性一直是未被重视的问题。
The stability of expansive soil slope was studied considering the effect of rainfall. 在此基础上,研究了考虑降雨入渗影响的膨胀土基坑边坡稳定性问题。

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