Jagdish Bhagwati is university professor at Columbia University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Robert Baldwin is emeritus professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin.
加迪什?巴格瓦蒂是哥伦比亚大学教授及美国对外关系委员会高级研究员。罗伯特?鲍德温是威斯康星大学经济学名誉教授。 |
Jagossel's HTML Editor - An HTML Webpage editor that allows you to type the code in the text box below and displays a small preview of it on top.
一个HTML网页编辑器。允许你在下面输入代码,并且在上方有一个小的预览窗口。 |
Jaguar Roar: A jaguar knight can demoralize enemies with a fierce roar, as per the Jaguar Roar feat.
美洲虎之吼:美洲虎骑士能够使用气势凶猛的吼叫来打垮对手的士气,如同美洲虎之吼专长。 |
Jaguar knights come almost exclusively from the ranks of warrior classes or the psychic warrior class.
美洲虎骑士几乎完全来自战士和心灵武士。 |
Jaguars are still hunted for their attractive fur. Ranchers also kill them because the cats sometimes prey upon their livestock.
美洲虎有着吸引人的皮毛,因而仍旧被捕猎着。由于它们有时捕猎家蓄,农场人员也会猎杀猎杀它们。 |
Jai Guru de Va Om !
永生大师及天神振旦! |
Jail life made the frail retailer avail every snail in the pail.
监狱生命使脆弱的零售商在桶里有益于每只蜗牛。 |
Jailed Indonesian Muslim cleric Bashir smiles during a visit with his lawyer in this April 26, 2004 file photo.
这是被拘押的印度尼西亚著名穆斯林教职人员巴希尔2004年4月26日与律师在一次参观活动中微笑的资料照片。 |
Jailer: [as Skinner and the Jailer approach the jail cell with Jake pressed up against the bars] We could come back.
狱警:[杰克和霍奇被关牢房,教官前来保释]我们先撤了。 |
Jailing offenders is supposed to do four things.
囚禁犯人有四个目的。 |
Jaillon, O., et al. Genome duplication in the teleost fish Tetraodon nigroviridis reveals the early vertebrate proto-karyotype. Nature 431, no. 7011 (2004): 946-57.
一种叫金娃娃的硬骨鱼的基因组复制揭示了早期脊椎动物的主要的染色体组型〉。《自然》,431卷,第7011期(2004年):946-57页。 |