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Selection of the corresponding Hydro family products and / or design the custom made draft of technical solutions and suggestions.

Selecting this box offers a color code to the land - reddish brown is land owned by others, green is your land, aqua is land owned by a group that you are a member of, grey is the rare public land, and purple is land in the auction system. 不同颜色显示出土地的不同所有权限——红赫色表示其它人所有的土地,绿色表示你拥有的土地,浅绿色表示你所在的群组拥有的土地,灰色是罕见的公有土地,紫色表示土地正在拍卖。
Selection Floater... 选择面板...
Selection for energetically efficient locomotion is therefore likely to be more intense among far-ranging animals because they have the most to gain. 因此,长距离觅食动物比较可能受天择的压力,朝向耗能较少的行进模式演化,因为牠们获益最大。
Selection modse of long/short weld,build-in remote control device,capable of ignition and cratering electric arc with small current. 具有“长焊缝/短焊缝”选择功能及遥控装置,可进行小电流引弧,收弧。
Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. 审核员的选择和审核的实施应确保审核过程的客观性和公正性。
Selection of the corresponding Hydro family products and / or design the custom made draft of technical solutions and suggestions. 选择相应的公司产品,按照客户的要求,进行深化设计。
Selection of wedding dresses and accessories by top designers.Trends, catwalk photographs, beauty tips, decorating and gift propositions. 最新婚纱设计款式,来自各大发布会的照片和婚礼饰物。
Selections of views and representation methods must be proper, dimensions be reasonable and technical requirements be correct. 零件的视图选择、表达方法要正确、尺寸标注要合理,技术要求要正确。
Selective Heating zone (8,10,12zones)allow wide variation of profile settings. 选择性的加热段(8、10和12温区)为外形设置的变化提供很大空间.
Selective coronary cineangiography remains the definitive diagnosis. 确定的诊断还是需要冠状动脉血管摄影。
Selective material : select excellent imported stainless steel (SUS304-2B),pure water , erosion resistant. 选材精:选用优质进口不锈钢村(SUS304-2B),水质纯净,耐锈蚀。

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