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Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox (and Evangelicals) alike.

Dengue fever is transmitted by Aedes albopictus, a mosquito commonly found in Hong Kong. 登革热的传播要靠白纹伊蚊,这种蚊虫在香港随处可见。
Dengue infects more than 100 million people a year. 每年有超过一亿人感染登革热。
Dengue is a relative of yellow fever, hepatitis C and the West Nile virus. 登革热是一种与黄热病、C型肝炎及西方尼罗河病毒相关的疾病。
Dengue is an enigmatic virus, difficult to diagnose and impossible to quarantine . 登革热病毒是一个谜一样的病毒,它很难被诊断出来也不可能被隔离。
Dengxinrong processing; Needles textiles, textile materials sales. 灯芯绒加工;针纺织品、纺织原料的销售。
Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox (and Evangelicals) alike. 否认这点就被天主教和东正教(还有信福音主义者)视之为异端。
Denied? You're denying my claim? 驳回?你驳回我的索赔?
Denim was also worn with tweed or a dash of evening attire. 粗斜棉布衣服同样可以跟粗花呢衣服配套穿着,或是配上一件小巧的晚装。
Denis Law DID NOT relegate Manchester United. Birmingham City did . 让曼联降级的不是丹尼斯,是伯明翰城。
Denis Law relegated Manchester United with his back-heel in 1974. 丹尼斯·劳的脚后跟使曼联1974年降级。(?)
Denis Oswald, head of the IOC's co-ordination commission for the Games said he was much more positive than he was only three months ago. 国际奥委会协调委员会主席泽尼斯·奥斯瓦尔德说,近三个月来雅典筹备工作的进展让他对这届奥运会信心大增。

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