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The heaped soil looked very dark in the moonlight.

The healthiest bodies - those of athletes and soldiers - soak up carbohydrates and use the energy they yield productively. 最健康的人是运动员和士兵,他们的身体都吸收着碳水化合物,碳水化合物产生能量,能量有用武之地。
The healthy and the leisure ideas of relaxation, nature, harmony, and ease were combined with ideas of keeping fit, which was the best point of blending with the Olympic Spirit. 太极拳以独特的运动形式和养生思想,把轻松、自然、和谐、安逸的健身与休闲观念融合为一体,而这正是与当代奥林匹克精神相融合的最佳契合点。
The healthy growth of villager autonomy and democracy depends upon the further implemantation of The Organization Law for Villager Committee, the rationalization of the relationships between the villager committee, the rural government, and the rural bran 近年来,陕西农村的村民自治工作取得了较大进展,积累了许多宝贵的经验,但也存在着一些不尽人意的地方。
The healthy water circulation and water resource regeneration are based on the rational water space for regulation. 陆地健康水循环和水资源的再生是基于合理的水调节空间。
The heap of stones was put into the truck. 那堆石子已装上了卡车。
The heaped soil looked very dark in the moonlight. 堆起来的土在月色下看起来更加漆黑。
The hearers increased quickly as time went on. 随着时间的推移,听众越来越多了。
The hearing aid determines if the sound is a high frequency sound or a low frequency sound. 通过100个滤波器和音素分析器决定哪些声音是高频或低频声,哪些声音是元音和辅音。
The hearing ear and the seeing eye, The Lord has made both of them. 箴20:12能听的耳、能看的眼、都是耶和华所造的。
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them. 12能听的耳,能看的眼,都是耶和华所造的。
The hearing loss progressed and the tinnitus became a persistent sensation of varying pitch. 听力一直减退,而且耳鸣变成一种经常不断的,各种音调的感觉。

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