If one place goes out of repair, the violence of the rain will soon destroy it.
如果有一个地方破损了,暴雨很快就会把它冲毁的。 |
If one places a minute amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
如果在蝎子身上放上少许一点儿酒,它会立即发疯,将自己螫死。 |
If one places a minute amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will i tantly go mad and sting itself to death.
如果在蝎子身上放上少许一点儿酒,它会立即发疯,将自己螫死。 |
If one prayer rises in mind spontaneously, one thought, one name or attribute of God arises in mind, then everyone quiets, pain disappears, then one can leave but everything about this place causes screaming so this silence is hard to find.
如果心中自觉萌发一个祈祷,心中想起一个名字或是真主的一个特质,那每个人都安静了,痛苦消失,然后人就可以离去,但是这里的一切都在引发尖叫因而这种宁静难以达到。 |
If one receives a plun,one must return a peach.
投桃报李. |
If one relied only on those reports and ignored the reality of China, the picture of China in one's mind would be a society soon to collapse.
我们报道的目的是让人民为解决这些问题献计献策,而不是激发社会的动荡不安,引起误解,甚至歪曲事实。 |
If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow.
一只羊跳过水沟,其他羊都会跟着跳。 |
If one takes such a picture of an unswaddled infant sleeping at room temperature, hot spotscan be seen in the skin overlying brown fat deposits in the neck and interscapular area.
如果有人拍下未包裹的婴儿在室温下睡觉的照片,将可在颈部和肩胛间的皮肤有“热斑”。 |
If one test case exercises the whole system, then developers can test the impact their changes will have on every class in the system.
如果一个测试环境对于整个系统行之有效,那么开发者可以测试他们的改正会对系统中的每个类有什么影响。 |
If one tried to extend the elbow joint while on the side then the force would be applied to the side and not backward.
如果一个人在身体处于一侧时试着去展开肘关节那力量将用于这一侧而非使身体返回。 |
If one twin pushes, will the other push back?
假如一个双胞胎推挤,另一个会不会推回去? |