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If eugenol containing temporary cements were used, use pumice to thoroughly remove all traces of cement.

If entry clearance is approved your spouse or unmarried partner and dependant children will be granted leave to enter on the same conditions of stay as yourself. 如果签证被同意,那么你的配偶或长期的独身的伴侣和不到18岁的孩子将得到和你你自己同样的许可。
If environmental pollution losses result solely from irresistable natural disasters which cannot be averted even after the prompt adoption of reasonable measures, the party concerned shall be exempted from liability. 完全由于不可抗拒的自然灾害,并经及时采取合理措施,仍然不能避免造成环境污染损害的,免予承担责任。
If equal affection ca ot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。
If equal affection cannot be, 倘若无法产生同样的感情,
If equipment is dried after rinsing with 70% alcohol, the alcohol should be diluted in water of the same quality as the water used for the final rinse. 如果设备用70%的乙醇清洗后干燥,乙醇应用最终清洗质量相同的水稀释。
If eugenol containing temporary cements were used, use pumice to thoroughly remove all traces of cement. 如果使用的是含丁香酚的暂时性粘结材料,用浮石粉彻底的清除所有的粘结材料。
If even I think tanning booths are silly, I can't imagine what a typical Chinese woman would say to the idea of people paying a monthly fee to lie in an oven, uh... bed, and be browned like a piece of toast. 人们每月付费躺在炉子上,喔,是床上照射紫外线,就像一块烤面包一样变成褐色,如果连我都觉得这样做很愚蠢,我就更想象不出典型的中国女性会对此说什么了。
If even this action generates leaks, fix those leaks first. 如果这样操作也产生内存泄漏,先修复这些漏洞。
If ever I believe our work is done, then I start Back at One. 如果我相信我们的所要做的都已经做了,那我会开始回到步骤一。
If ever a leak in the tree was discovered, all it would take was a quick spell from one of the many druids in the village and the pine tree would sprout a new branch that would fill the void. 如果发现树上出现一个漏洞,村子中众多德鲁依中的一个会迅速在那里施加一段咒语,松树上将萌芽出一段新枝补上缺漏。
If ever any one seemed to be thoroughly alive, healthy, joyous, magnanimous, it was he. 如果有谁显得充满生气、健康、快活、豁达,这个人便是他。

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