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The original authors will not recognize it in any language.

The original and copy of the foreign student's passport and residence permit. 留学生有效护照和居留许可原件及复印件。
The original and copy of the valid Duplicate of Business License or other qualified certificate of legal person for recipient organization. 有效单位营业执照副本及复印件(或其他有效法人资格证明原件及复印件)。
The original and copy of valid passport, Chinese visa and entry seal. 有效护照原件及护照照片页、有效中国签证、最近一次入境章复印件。
The original and copy of valid passport, valid Chinese visa and entry seal. 有效护照原件及护照照片页、有效中国签证、本次入境章复印件。
The original and worse liar ,is cheating yourself.except this one,all sin become easier so much. 34最初与最糟的谎言,就是欺骗自己。在此之后,一切罪行就都容易多了。
The original authors will not recognize it in any language. 更糟的是它可能使译入语的人看不懂。
The original bill of lading and information you they put the money up, We will send to you. I hope you will support it. 正本的提单和资料你们把货款汇过来之后,我们会给你们寄出去.希望你能给予支持.
The original biogenetic example of the human was given incredible information, was interdenominational and could do many things. 最初的生物起源的例子是关于设定人类的不可思议信息,并且是各教派间可以做许多事情。
The original blueprint for the human form was for conscious dreaming, in which each would consciously envision that which was desired to be made manifest and then bring it to fruition through the act of intention. 人类形态的最初蓝图是为有意识地梦想而设计的,每个人能有意识地展望自己期望显化的,而后通过意想行为实现它。
The original building is located in Athens, Greece, but the world's only replica stands in Nashville. 这座神庙原建筑物在希腊的雅典,而世界上唯一的复制品则竖立在田纳西。
The original concept's intention and the complex requirements of the program were to be structured sensibly and concise, so that generous free spaces could be created. 计划的最初始意图,在于合理、清晰地安排整个空间功能需求,并创造出广大的户外空间。

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