In doing so, they are bound to raise energy prices.
要达到此项目的,政府必须提高能源价格。 |
In doing so, they are proving that over 30 or even 40 doesn't have to mean over the hill.
这样做,他们证明了即使人过了三十岁甚至四十岁,也不一定就得走下坡。 |
In doing so, they drove down both Harvard and contracting workers' realpay, adjusted for inflation, by as much as 20 percent in the 1990's, the commission said.
委员会表示:把通货膨胀率计算在内的话,承包商通过采用这样的举措在九十年代间把哈佛内部和自身内部的合同雇员的实际的’报酬‘就压低了百分之20%之多。 |
In doing so, we will encourage a diversity of thought and style.
为了做到这一点,我们将鼓励思维和形式的多样化。 |
In doing these things, you may become aware of your own individuality or creative expression.
你被期待变成一个个体而非团队的成员,在特殊的关系中突出你的个人情感而非保持情感的分离。 |
In doing this, avoid memorizing lists of words.
要想如此,就不能去背单词表。 |
In doing this, he cooperated with Syria, giving Lebanon's neighbor a high degree of control over the country's politics while he maintained the freedom to introduce economic reforms.
为此,他与叙利亚进行了合作,使黎巴嫩的这个邻国对该国政治有了高度的控制权,而他则保留了对经济进行改革的自主权。 |
In doing this, it requires your bona fides and devotion.
做这件事需要你的真诚和投入。 |
In doing this, the development of internal relationships between staff from different strategic business units within the global organisation is vital in influencing overall performance.
为此目的,发展不同决策单位成员之间的内部关系,对整体业绩是至关重要的。 |
In dollar terms, world trade in goods rose 21 per cent in 2004 to $8,880bn.
以美元计算,2004年全球贸易商品金额增长了21%,达8.88万亿美元。 |
In domestic air transport, if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been delivered, he shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 128 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.
在国内航空运输中,承运人载运托运行李而不出具行李票的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十八条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。 |