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In the preparation of microscope slides, the process by which tissues are rapidly killed and preserved by chemicals to prevent decay or autolysis with minimal distortion of structure.

In the practice, the public welfare lawsuit also presents the difficult aspect, it is necessary to comb, reconsider and reconstruct. 实践中,公益诉讼也呈现难局,有必要梳理、反思和重构。
In the pre-Qin days and the two Han Dynasties, guoranwas still an infrequently-used phrase; in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it took on the use of an adverb; in the Tang and Song Dynasties, it had acquired another use as a conjunction. 先秦两汉时,它还只是一个使用频率很低的偏正词组,魏晋南北朝萌生了作副词的用法,唐宋时期得到进一步的发展,并又引申出了作连词的用法。
In the preceding example, had you returned the value EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH, the operating system would have continued unwinding the stack looking for an exception handler. 在之前的例子中,你已经返回了值EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH,操作系统将继续解除这个查找异常处理器的堆栈。
In the preface to my book , I thanked all the people who had been of help to me. 在我的书的序文里面,我感谢了所有曾经帮助过我的人。
In the preparation of cell material for staining, the dissolving away of cell contents so that the distribution of tissues may be better observed, using reagents such as sodium hypochlorite. 2洗涤:在细胞等生物材料染色的过程中,把细胞的内容物溶去的过程。目的是更好的观察组织的分布情况,使用的试剂有次氯酸钠。
In the preparation of microscope slides, the process by which tissues are rapidly killed and preserved by chemicals to prevent decay or autolysis with minimal distortion of structure. 在制备显微镜切片的过程中,通过固定,在将对植物组织结构的破坏降至最低程度的基础上,采用化学物质将细胞迅速杀死并保存,以阻止组织腐烂或自溶。
In the preparation technology of making porous bioceramics with controllable macrostructure, The time of heat preservation was one of the important influence factors. 摘要保温时间是可控多孔生物陶瓷制备技术的重要影响因之一。
In the preschool enlightenment tuition, which plays an essential role in human development, folktales should be its important resource. 摘要对于对人的发展有根基意义的学前教育中的道德启蒙教育而言,民间故事应成为其重要的教育资源。
In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum. 我们的儿子在来访的长辈面前彬彬有礼.
In the presence of lubricants the effect of the guide material on friction is overshadowed by the lubricants. 当有润滑剂存在的情况下,导纱杆材料对摩擦的影响则为润滑剂所掩盖。
In the presence of non-use values, the extent of inefficiency caused by common exploitation in an oligopolistic market can substantially differ from what results from the model of a perfectly competitive market without non-use values. 因此,当非使用价值存在,寡占市场的共有资源开发之不效率程度将与在完全竞争市场下、不具有非使用价值的情况有所差异。

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