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Based on the Chinese zodiac calendar, this year should be full of good luck and prosperity.

Based on the British experience, the article puts forward some suggestions for improving tuition fee and support system in our country. 英国大学学费与资助政策的演变与近年来的一系列改革值得我们认真思考和借鉴。
Based on the C-A method of the multifractal theory, two geochemical fields in Chifeng area, Inner Mongolia are studied. 摘要从多重分形理论出发,在赤峰地区的2个区域应用“元素含量-面积(C-A)”模型方法。
Based on the Central Place Theory, discuss how these developments have affected the location and trade area of the different orders of service centres. 以中心地学说为基础,讨论这些发展如何影响不同档次服务中心的区位和贸易区。
Based on the Chinese and English corpora and relevant documents, this paper summarizes the main problems and progresses in the main fields of Chinese Pidgin English (CPE), and makes a trial exploration of some of the existing problems. 摘要根据中、英文语料和研究文献,对中国洋泾浜英语(CPE)研究主要领域的主要问题和主要进展进行评述,并就某些问题展开简短探索。
Based on the Chinese and Korean historical documents this article expounds the Process of Zhu Yuan-zhang's garrison, named Tieling, stationing to the east of the Ya-Lu River, analyses the objective cause that the Ming Dynasty was forced to move Tieling Ga 摘要本文依据中朝两国历史文献中的记载,论述了朱元璋在鸭绿江东设置铁岭卫的全过程,分析了明朝被迫将铁岭卫内徙辽东的客观原因,并揭示出朱元璋收复元朝故土失败的历史经验教训。
Based on the Chinese zodiac calendar, this year should be full of good luck and prosperity. 据中国的黄道历法,今年将是充满好运和富足的一年。
Based on the Christian value of “not to be served, but to serve”, Shanghai YMCA derived a new objective of “serve the society, benefit the people” to serve the youth of yesterday, today and tomorrow. 上海基督教青年会以“服务社会、造福人群”为目宗旨,以“非以役人、乃役于人”的基督精神为会训,面向昨日的青年、今天的青年和明天的青年。
Based on the Document of [2006]47 drafted by the State Council as an opportunity importing the most advanced international exploration, design, drilling and collection technology, the Group economic target advances in high-speed, and the yield of the orig 以国务院[2006]47号文件为契机,引进目前国际最先进的勘探、设计、钻井、抽采技术使原来日单口井产量提高数十倍,使集团经济目标得以快速发展。
Based on the Dynamic Construal Approach, the cognitive alignment process in the adjective-noun structure is analyzed into three stages, where purport, pre-meaning and interpretation occur sequentially. 摘要对形容词-名词结构进行动态识解分析,可以将其概念联结的演进过程分为三个阶段:原义-初义-洽义。
Based on the EIA engineer registration training for light industry and chemical fiber industry, and the experiences of management for printing-dyeing wastewater treatment, this paper analyzed the problems existed in printing-dyeing wastewater treatment pr 摘要结合轻工纺织化纤类环评工程师登记培训及日常工作中有关印染废水治理的一些经验和做法,分析探讨了目前印染废水处理工艺技术中存在的问题,诸如提高印染废水的可生化性、降低活性污泥的产量、以及碱减量、退浆废水局部预处理、色度去除的专项处理等问题,提出了可行的解决方案。
Based on the EIA engineer registration training for light industry and chemical fiber industry,and the experiences of management for printing-dyeing wastewater treatment,this paper analyzed the problems existed in printing-dyeing wastewater treatment proc 结合轻工纺织化纤类环评工程师登记培训及日常工作中有关印染废水治理的一些经验和做法,分析探讨了目前印染废水处理工艺技术中存在的问题,诸如提高印染废水的可生化性、降低活性污泥的产量、以及碱减量、退浆废水局部预处理、色度去除的专项处理等问题,提出了可行的解决方案。

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