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He was angry at his brother's remark.

He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class. 他是优秀的学生,正因为这个缘故,全班都不喜欢他.
He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class. 他是优秀的学生, 正因为这个缘故, 全班都不喜欢他.
He was an unknown painter one year ago. 一年前,他还是一个不为人知的画家。
He was an unused substitute against Georgia ten days ago. 他10天前在对阵格鲁吉亚的比赛中一直坐在板凳上。
He was angered by the selfishness of the others. 他因为别人的自私而发怒.
He was angry at his brother's remark. 他对他兄弟的批评很恼火。
He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake. 他为犯如此愚蠢的错误而对自己气恼不已。
He was angry, but he listened to me patiently. 他很生气,但他还是耐心听我讲。
He was angry, nevertheless he listened patiently. 他生气了,但他还是耐心地听我说。
He was annoyed at the boy's stupidity. 他因这个孩子的愚笨而感到烦恼。
He was annoyed at the noise. 这些噪声让他苦恼不已。

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