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He visited Spain to canvass Spanish opinion.

He versed himself in European literature. 他精通欧洲文学。
He versed himself in philosophy. 他精通哲学。
He very carefully didn't pinch himself in case he was dreaming. 他非常谨慎,不去掐自己身体,或许自己在做梦。
He virtually lived in his office. 他简直是住在自己的办公室里了。
He visited Mme Blavatsky, the famous occultist, and joined the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, but was later asked to resign. 他拜访了著名通神学者布拉瓦茨基夫人并加入了神智学社团的机密组织,但不久被迫离开。
He visited Spain to canvass Spanish opinion. 他访问西班牙以徵求西班牙的意见。
He visited a lot of colleges, and finally picked on Stanford. 他访问了许多大学,终于选中了斯坦福大学。
He visited a number of research institutes in Europe. 他拜访了欧洲许多的研究学会。
He visited the flagship military hospital on Friday, six weeks after news broke about the poor medical treatment and conditions some patients had to endure. 在新闻曝光了一些病人必须忍受糟糕的医疗条件的六个星期后,周五布什总统参观了军事旗舰医院。
He visited, in all, ten hospitals in China. 他在中国共参观了10家医院。
He visits a nearby neighborhood grocery store to pick up some food, but the narrow rows and the bustle of intent shoppers drive him away. 他去邻近的杂货铺想找些吃的,但狭窄的过道和匆忙的顾客把他挤了出来。

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