Three psychological features of nation's aesthetic sense are showed as similar aesthetic, neuter aesthetic and social effects.
结果表明,国人服饰审美观念体现出趋同化审美、中性化审美、社会效应等三大心理特征。 |
Three quarters of the books and newspapers in the world are written in English.
世界上3/4的书籍和报纸是用英语写的。 |
Three quarters of the students are Chinese.
四分之三的学生是中国人。 |
Three quarters of the world's books and newspapers are written in English.
世界上有四分之三的书报是用英语写的。 |
Three quarters were professionals or semiprofessionals.
不管是他们的事业或家庭,都是如此。 |
Three quarters(fourths) of the world's books and newspapers are written in English.
世界上四分之三的书籍和报纸是用英语写的。 |
Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and toughness.
三只老鼠在酒吧吹牛,谈论他们有多么勇敢和顽强。 |
Three recent events, in particular, should make women who value their freedom shudder.
特别是最近的三起事件,将会使那些重视女人自由的女性感到震惊。 |
Three removes are as bad as a fire.
三次搬家犹如一次失火。 |
Three rescue workers have been killed at a mine in Utah where they were trying to rescue six miners who have been trapped for more than a week.
犹他州3名救援人员在抢救被困在井下一个多星期的6名矿工的行动中丧生。 |
Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were taking a walk one fine March day.
有三个退休的老人,都患有重听。三月里风和日丽的一天,他们在一起散步。 |