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There are many artists and musicians who have shows in the streets or on the square on weekend.

There are many academic books in this library. 这座图书馆有许多学术著作.
There are many acorns on the oak tree. 这棵橡树上有很多橡子。
There are many advantages in heightening seepage-prevention and compression strength as well convenient employ and using local materials when new solidification technology in city levee is used. 利用固化新技术加固城市堤防,可提高堤防的防渗、抗压等性能,同时具有施工方便、就地取材、维护方便等优点。
There are many ants. Many, many ants. 有很多蚂蚁。很多很多的蚂蚁。
There are many areas were commercial aircraft are banned, sometimes at short notice because of air-force exercises. 许多地区是禁止商业飞行的,有时候因为空军训练而短期禁飞。
There are many artists and musicians who have shows in the streets or on the square on weekend. 周末的街头和广场会有很多艺术家音乐家露天表演。
There are many aspects of financial liberalization, among them this study focuses on releasing the regulations of financial products, particularly, on financial innovation and securitisation. 金融自由化的内涵相当复杂,本文以放宽银行经营业务的限制,允许金融创新与银行业务证劵化爲主轴来讨论。
There are many avenues to explore before we reach a final decision . 在我们做出最后决定之前有很多可以探索的途径。
There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished. 有许多不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。
There are many badly mangled bodies of those killed by the explosion. 那有许多在爆炸中被炸得残缺不全的尸体。
There are many beautiful scenes, like London's Big Ben, France's Arc de Triomphe and the twin towers of the World Trade Center that were bombed by Osama Laden. 这里甚么也不缺,你可以在这里看到英国的大笨钟、法国的凯旋门和过去的纽约世贸中心姊妹楼。

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