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Any negligence on the part of the bidder in preparingthe bid confers no right for the ~ of the bid after it has been opened.

Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may a ly for personal commercial housing loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人商业用房贷款。
Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may a ly for personal second-hand housing loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人二手房贷款。
Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may apply for Personal housing decoration loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人住房装修贷款。
Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may apply for personal commercial housing loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人商业用房贷款。
Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may apply for personal second-hand housing loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人二手房贷款。
Any negligence on the part of the bidder in preparingthe bid confers no right for the ~ of the bid after it has been opened. 投标人在考虑投标时,如有任何疏忽,都无权在开标后撤消投标。
Any new source of energy will be welcome, as there is a shortage of petroleum. 由于石油短缺, 任何一种新能源都会受欢迎。
Any newly-invested project of an fixed capital investment of over one million dollars by foreign investors, or of an fixed capital investment of over ten million yuan by domestic investors, within 5 years from the date of putting into production and ratep 凡在我市新办固定资产投资100万美元以上的外商投资项目、固定资产投资在1000万元人民币的内商投资项目,自该项目投产纳税之日起5年内,由该项目税收受益方将企业所得税地方留成部分全额奖励给企业。
Any night between February 10-19, 2006, indulge in a Grand Deluxe Riverview Room with an in room romantic Valentine's Champagne dinner for two just RMB 3,088+15% service charge. 情人节期间(2/10–2/19)入住上海金茂君悦大酒店君悦豪华江景客房,每晚仅需人民币3088元+15%服务费,即能享受无与伦比的风景客房以及酒店精心准备的浪漫两人香槟晚餐。
Any noise characteristic of the preamp circuit is attenuated along with the signal, unlike circuits where the volume control is before the input. 与一些音量控制置于输入端的电路不同,这个前级放大器的特征噪声能够随同信号一起衰减。
Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance (Cap.499) and may become the subject of appropriate action being taken under the Ordinance. 任何人士如有不符合本许可证的情况,可能违反环境影响评估条例(「环评条例」)(第499章)的规定,而当局可根据条例采取适当行动。

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