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Worldwide supplier of military and commercial airframe, engine, avionics and related test equipment, tooling and ground support equipment for fixed wing and helicopters, both military and commercial.

WorldCom telephone service, MCI, is the second biggest in the United States. 世界通信公司的电话服务——MCI是美国第二大电话公司。
Worldclass museums, outdoor sculptures, theaters, concert halls, idyllic medieval old town and interesting new buildings by leading architects, art has always been part of Basel life. 城市里到处都是世界级的博物馆,户外雕塑,歌剧院,音乐厅,顶级建筑师设计的田园诗的中古旧城镇和有趣新建筑物,艺术总是巴塞尔生活的一部分。
Worlds open out to him; verses and inscriptions carry away his imagination; vistas tempt his curiosity. 自然不经修饰,最突出的特点就是没有草坪。
Worldwide PC shipments have lately been growing by about 12% a year—better than expected, though still a far cry from the late 1990s, when the industry sometimes grew at more than twice that rate. 最近,全球个人电脑出货量保持了12%的年增长量,尽管与上世纪90年代后期,整个行业的年出货量有时甚至会增长两倍以上相比仍然有很大的差距,但这已经比预计的要好。
Worldwide sea &air cargo transportation, FCL/FCL ,warehousing and storage, trucking, customs clearance, shipping agent, and international trade services. 世界各地海运空运货物运输散货整柜仓储拖柜报关国际贸易为辅的综合型货运企业.
Worldwide supplier of military and commercial airframe, engine, avionics and related test equipment, tooling and ground support equipment for fixed wing and helicopters, both military and commercial. 军用和商用飞机机体、发动机、航空电子及相关的试验设备,工具制造和地面保障系统的供应商。
Worldwide trade, travel, competition, etc. 世界范围内的贸易、旅游、竞争等。
Worldwide, almost 50% of Gymboree Play & Music franchise owners have gone on to purchase multiple centers which we feel speaks loudly in terms of the rewards - both personal and financial - which come from center ownership. 这最佳地说明了金宝贝不但给加盟商带来金钱上的满足,更带给了他们无穷的个人成就感。
Worldwide, demand for products such as found in a rural setting are said to be on the increase. 在世界范围内,据说,对产品,如农村背景下出产的产品的需求正在增长。
Worldwide, it's approximately 2,000 — and the majority of that is support for “WoW.” Development is really a small subset of that [2,000] number. 全世界,一共2000.大部分都是支持魔兽世界的工作人员.游戏开发实际是那2000人里面非常小的一部分.
Worldwide, more than 40,000 children and adults depend on cochlear implants. 全世界有超过四万名的儿童与成人仰赖人工电子耳生活。

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