Zhuang nationality people are famous for their skills in singing and dancing and are good at expressing their feelings with singing, fairy singer Liu Sanjie is their representative of folk song culture. |
中文意思: 壮族人民素以能歌善舞著称,善于以歌来抒发思想感情,“歌仙”刘三姐便是他们山歌文化的代表。 |
Zhuan Xu was the earliest reformist in history.
他是历史上最早的改革家。 |
Zhuang Xin, one of the ministers foresaw that the country was in danger.
大臣庄辛预见到楚国会发生危险。 |
Zhuang Zi opened up a spiritual space with absolute freedom and ideal in fantasy, and conveyed an awakening consciousness of the times, which is an original state of mind of being leisure and carefree.
摘要庄子以一种逍遥自在的超脱心境,在幻想中开辟了绝对自由的、理想的精神空间,表现了时代的觉醒意识。 |
Zhuang Zi's linguistic skepticism is helpful in breaking through the blind faith of the standing speech system and common sense, and initiating new probing and research.
庄子的语言怀疑论有助于人们破除对既有话语体系的盲从与迷信,启发人们怀疑既有思想体系与常规,大胆进行创新和探索。 |
Zhuang Zi's skepticism is actually a skeptic attitude towards language.
摘要庄子的怀疑论其实是对语言本身的怀疑。 |
Zhuang nationality people are famous for their skills in singing and dancing and are good at expressing their feelings with singing, fairy singer Liu Sanjie is their representative of folk song culture.
壮族人民素以能歌善舞著称,善于以歌来抒发思想感情,“歌仙”刘三姐便是他们山歌文化的代表。 |
Zhuangzi's sages were often artisans, butchers or woodcarvers.
庄子的贤人通常是工匠,屠夫或木雕家。 |
Zhubang Industrial is a multi-regional group whose major business consists real estate development and management. Its business range covers real estate development, sales, property management, etc.
住邦实业是一家以房地産开发、经营爲主营业务的跨地区企业集团,业务範围涉及房地産开发、销售、物业管理等。 |
Zhuchi and miaozhu idioms, embedded in a legal and contractual framework, were part of a China-wide repertoire of temple management, put to use in different ways in each local system and each individual temple community.
这种具有法律和契约性质的住持与庙祝行业,不仅传承了中国庙宇的管理经验,且能因地制宜调整其经营模式。 |
Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in fooling Sima Yi who did not know that the city was really unguarded.
诸葛亮装得十分镇静,把司马懿给骗了。司马懿不知道这座城其实是空的。 |
Zhuhai Agricultural Credit Cooperative will issue 100% of its shares in the form of one Yuan RMB to one share to realize a 300 million Yuan RMB asset increase in the 1st half of this year in order to push its reform forward.
珠海农信社将拿出100%股份,以一股一元的价格向社会发行,在今年上半年实现增资扩股3亿元,以推动珠海农信改革的顺利进行。 |