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I told myself over and over, be brave.

I told him tout court that his services were not required. 我简单地告诉他不需要他的帮助。
I told him what I thought of him in no uncertain terms! 我毫不含糊地把我对他的看法告诉了他。
I told my boss my idea. I think it went over pretty well. 我告诉了老板我的想法,感觉还不错。
I told my boss to get off my back. 我告诉老板不要对我指指点点。
I told my parents I wanted to see her. I had to see her. My uncontrollable curiosity had taken a step above my gut-wrenching fear. 我告诉父母我想去看她。我必须见到她。我抑制不住的好奇心战胜了压抑勇气的恐惧。
I told myself over and over, be brave. 我一遍又一遍地告诫自己,勇敢些。
I told myself to calm down. 我告诫自己要冷静下来。
I told several I was an aspiring actor looking for my big break in Hollywood. 我对几个人说,我真是个很胸怀大志的演员,正在好莱坞寻求大突破。
I told that blighter not to come here again! 我告诉那个家伙不要再来这里了!
I told the children cross the street in security at a pedestrian crossing. 我告诉孩子们在人行道上放心地过马路。
I told the children to put away their toys. 我告诉孩子们把他们的玩具收拾好。

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