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In this paper,components and deactivation,mechanism of catalyst containing rhodium and phosphine in oxo synthesis reaction under low pressure were describe d.

Progress of Modified ZSM-5 Type Zeolite for Preparing Paraxylene from Toluene and Methanol; 改性ZSM-5催化剂在甲苯、甲醇烷基化制备对二甲苯技术的研究进展
Progress of Modified ZSM-5 Type Zeolite for Preparing Paraxylene from Toluene and Methanol; 改性ZSM-5催化剂在甲苯、甲醇烷基化制备对二甲苯技术的研究进展
Thermal polycondensation synthesis of modified polyaspartic acid; 改性聚天冬氨酸的热缩共聚合成
Study on preparation technology of biodiesel oil with solid base catalyst; 钙基固体碱法制备生物柴油工艺的研究
and their bioactivities of antineoplastic, antimicrobial, antihypertension and antioxidation were reviewed in this paper. 概述存在于海绵、海鞘等海洋低等生物和海洋鱼贝类中的生物活性肽,以及这些活性肽的抗肿瘤、 抗菌、抗高血压及抗氧化等生物活性的研究进展。
In this paper,components and deactivation,mechanism of catalyst containing rhodium and phosphine in oxo synthesis reaction under low pressure were describe d. 概述了铑低压羰基合成铑膦催化剂的组成及失活机理,并对在U。
The effect of calcium channel blockade on matrix metalloproteinases and fibronectin in the rat myocardial remodeling; 钙通道阻滞剂对缺血心肌基质金属蛋白酶和纤连蛋白的影响
This review expounds problems on the therapy of myocardial stunning by calcium channel blockers in the aspects such as the proof of experime. 钙通道阻滞药是心血管疾病常用药物 ,目前大量研究证明可以抑制心肌顿抑。
Relations between genic protein expressions of P53, CD34 and nm23 and clinical prognoses of liver cancer; 肝癌患者P53、CD34、nm23中的表达与预后的关系
Protection of glycyrrhetinic acid and matrine against experimental acute vanishing bile duct syndrome; 甘草次酸和苦参碱对实验性急性胆管消失综合征的防治作用
The physiological function of glycyrrhizin and its application in food industry; 甘草甜素的生理功能及其在食品工业中的应用

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