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Then Aaron's sons the priests shall arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood that is on the altar.

Then , Made in China Association will cooperate with India Trade Promotion Association to organize the Chinese enterprises to go to Sri Lanka and India in batches to carry on the inspection and the discussion; to bestows the large-scale picture album Made 接下来,中国制造厂商联合会将与印度贸易促进会合作,共同分批组织中国企业赴斯里兰卡和印度进行考察和洽谈;编辑出版《中国制造走进印度》大型画册(英文版),在印度、斯里兰卡赠送此刊;筹建“中国制造走进印度各行业自律联盟”等。
Then ,do you know what time it is now? 那你知道现在几点了吗?
Then ,please let me into the matter and call you later,Where can i reach you ? 那么,让我查一查明白后随时再给你打电话。打到哪里找你呢?
Then 3, 000 men of Judah went down to the cleft of the rock of Etam and said to Samson, Do you not know that the Philistines are rulers over us? 士15:11于是有三千犹大人下到以坦磐的穴内、对参孙说、非利士人辖制我们、你不知道麽.你向我们行的是甚麽事呢。
Then Aaron's sons are to burn it on the altar on top of the burnt offering that is on the burning wood, as an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. 5亚伦的子孙要把这些烧在坛的燔祭上,就是在火的柴上,是献与耶和华为馨香的火祭。
Then Aaron's sons the priests shall arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood that is on the altar. 8亚伦子孙作祭司的,要把肉块和头并脂油摆在坛上火的柴上。
Then Abdon son of Hillel died, and was buried at Pirathon in Ephraim, in the hill country of the Amalekites. 15比拉顿人希列的儿子押顿死了,葬在以法莲地的比拉顿,在亚玛力人的山地。
Then Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite died and was buried at Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the hill country of the Amalekites. 士12:15比拉顿人希列的儿子押顿死了、葬在以法莲地的比拉顿、在亚玛力人的山地。
Then Abner called to Joab, and said, Shall the sword devour for ever? 26押尼珥呼叫约押说,刀剑岂可永远杀人吗。
Then Abner said to David, Let me go at once and assemble all Israel for my lord the king, so that they may make a compact with you, and that you may rule over all that your heart desires.So David sent Abner away, and he went in peace. 21押尼珥对大卫说、我要起身去招聚以色列众人来见我主我王、与你立约.你就可以照著心愿作王.于是大卫送押尼珥去、押尼珥就平平安安的去了。
Then Abner said to him, Turn aside to the right or to the left; take on one of the young men and strip him of his weapons.But Asahel would not stop chasing him. 21押尼珥对他说、你或转向左、转向右、拿住一个少年人、剥去他的战衣.亚撒黑却不肯转开不追赶他。

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