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A good rule of thumb is if the propagation delay of the data line is much less than one bit width, termination is not needed.

A good reporter has a nose for news. 高明的记者对新闻十分敏感。
A good resume gets your foot in the door and will determine if you actually get to the next step – a job interview! 好的简历是你成功求职的敲门砖,直接决定了是否能够进行到下一步,得到面试机会!
A good roaster must be part artist, and part scientist, to maintain quality and consistency. 烘焙高手必须兼具艺术家的气质和科学家的严谨。
A good roper will hurl out the coil with marvelous accuracy and force. 一位优秀的套索捕马者会用奇准和神奇力量掷出绳索。
A good rule of thumb for predicting the son's height is an average of both parents' heights plus 2 inches. 一个很好的近似预测儿子身高的规则是,父母的平均身高+2英寸。
A good rule of thumb is if the propagation delay of the data line is much less than one bit width, termination is not needed. 一个好经验法则是:如果数据线的传播延迟远小于一个位宽度时,就不必使用终端电阻。
A good salesman is usually an extrovert,who likes to mingle with people. 一个好的推销员通常很外向,喜欢和人们交往。
A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 要做个好推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功。
A good salutation to make at the end of your letter, showing your concern about the future for your old company. 这是一个好的结尾,向公司显示你仍然关心他们的未来发展,并祝愿公司生意成功。
A good servant should never be in the way and never out of the way. 一位好的仆人决不会站得太近而碍到主人,也决不会站得太远而无法及时帮助主人。
A good shirt is no less expensive than a jacket. 一件好衬衫的昂贵程度并不比一件夹克衫差。

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