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Ask your physician if newer tendinopathy treatments such as shockwave therapy, autologous blood injections or nitroglycerin patches are right for you.

Ask your CFI to take you to an airport where a long runway is available, preferably over 6000 ft. and to start a normal approach in normal configuration, descend to the normal round-out/flare hight, then keep the power or whatever power setting needed, so 要求教官带你去降长跑道(6000尺以上),降至平飘高度后拉平,不减油门,也许在多给点油,利用地效沿跑道中线平飞500-1000尺,在这段时间内快速目测左,前,右,前,体验此时飞机与跑道面的高度,然后收油门。
Ask your audience for their responses to the freeze frames. 问你的观众对凝固的画面的反应。
Ask your classmate to sit down. 叫/要/让你的同学坐下来。
Ask your doctor or pharmacist. 询问你的医生或药剂师.
Ask your friends working for Nokia. They or their colleagues should have routine business trips to the headquarter. 那个朋友的同事好像都没有喜欢宠物的,她在她们公司算另类。而且她在生孩子,一直都没有上班。
Ask your physician if newer tendinopathy treatments such as shockwave therapy, autologous blood injections or nitroglycerin patches are right for you. 向你的医生咨询如果新的治疗腱子病变衰退症的方法比如超声波疗法,自体移植式血液注射疗法或者是硝化甘油片疗法是否适合你。
Ask your professional stylist to recommend the correct daily and/or weekly conditioner for your hair. 您可根据季节及环境变化随时调节秀发所需要的护理产品。
Ask your sister to stitch the badge onto your blazer. 让你姐姐将徽章缀在你的运动衫上。
Ask yourself, What's the network's liability exposure? 教训:走有线电视都不曾走过的路。
Ask yourself, “ Why is this an issue in my life? 问问自己,“为什么这成了我生活中的一个问题?
Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with these warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. 问问你们自己,这种亲切地接受我请愿的行动与那些在我们的陆上和水上所作的战争准备怎麽相称。

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