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Finally, he turned his attention to the team; Juventus are growing and they'll seek positive feedback in the next matches before the start of the League: “I respect all our opponents, but my attention is only on Juve.

Finally, he himself left for Ramah and went to the great cistern at Secu. And he asked, Where are Samuel and David?Over in Naioth at Ramah,they said. 22然后扫罗自己往拉玛去、到了西沽的大井、问人说、撒母耳和大卫在那里呢.有人说、在拉玛的拿约。
Finally, he kills it with a harpoon and ends its pain. 最后,老人用鱼叉将鱼杀死,结束了它的痛苦。
Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. 最后,他向后靠在墙上,深深地吸了一口气。
Finally, he left my seat and moved in a bad mood, his attitude was wierd. 最后,他很不情愿地离开,而且很不满似的。
Finally, he tells readers how to use what they have learnt. 最后,引导读者如何学以致用。
Finally, he turned his attention to the team; Juventus are growing and they'll seek positive feedback in the next matches before the start of the League: “I respect all our opponents, but my attention is only on Juve. 最后,他把话题转回到队内;尤文图斯在成长,在联赛开始以前他们能在明天的比赛里找到积极的回馈:“我尊重所有的对手,但我的注意力都在尤文身上。
Finally, he very 9)gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass. 最后他小心翼翼地将筋疲力尽的鱼提出水面。这是他所见过的最大的一条,还是一条鲈鱼。
Finally, he was an activated historian. 总之,他是位活化历史的史学家。
Finally, he writes his definitions, following the hard-and-fast rule that each definition must be based on what the quotations in front of him reveal about the meaning of the word. 最后词典编者写出每个义项的定义,在下定义时,编者必须遵守这样一条不容改变的铁的规则:那就是每个义项的定义编者必须根据摆在面前那些卡片上的例句所含有的该词的词义来写。
Finally, he's got what he really wants. I guess every dog has his day. 他终于得到他想要的,我想每一个人都会有他的好运道吧!
Finally, her mind gave in to fatigue and she fell asleep. 最后她的心力疲惫不堪,就睡着了。

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